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Read what supporters have to say about John's leadership
Experienced leadership matters. For decades, John has been bringing people together to develop solutions for transportation, housing, and economic growth. We need his expertise now to keep Livermore and the Tri-Valley moving forward.
David Haubert
Alameda County Supervisor
I have known John Marchand for many years through his strong support of BSA Scouting in Livermore and as a fine mayor! John has the proven ability to lead and come up with clever solutions to problems. Now, more than ever before, we need his experience and his proven ability to lead. I wholeheartedly support his candidacy – he is the best choice for mayor!
Dr. John D. Molitoris
Physicist (LLNL, retired)
Scout Ministry Leader, St. Charles Borromeo Parish
John Marchand is a highly effective leader who works at local, regional, state, and national levels to improve and serve the community of Livermore. I have known John for over 15 years and know that he has what it takes to get the job done.
Jerry McNerney
During these challenging times, Livermore needs a Mayor who is a proven leader of tremendous character, vision, relevant expertise and common sense who can effectively address the multifaceted opportunities and needs of our city on day one.
John Marchand is superbly qualified, and we enthusiastically support him at this pivotal moment to serve again as our next Mayor. Well-versed in the complexities of city governance and public finance, John is also passionately committed to our community’s best interests and distinctive quality of life which make Livermore such a remarkable place to live, thrive and visit!
Moreover, as a family connected with our historic Livermore Valley – the founding wine region of the CA Wine Industry – we’ve experienced firsthand John’s energetic optimism while bringing people together around the table to solve problems and champion strong initiatives surrounding environmental stewardship, sustainability, water safety, land conservancy, historic preservation, and economic vitality. Through decades of distinguished public service, John has been a principled leader who is genuinely kind-hearted and dedicated to inspiring us all to give back and move forward together as a community. We are grateful for his service leadership!
Jim and John Concannon
As the Fire Chief of the LPFD Fire Authority, I was fortunate to work with Mayor Marchand for over 4 1/2 years. I was deeply impressed by his authentic and transparent leadership style and his ability to lead by example. As Fire Chief, I saw firsthand Mayor Marchand's dedication and commitment to public safety and our community.
Fire Chief Ruben Torres
Former Livermore Pleasanton Fire Department Fire Authority Chief
I’ve known John Marchand for many years since I met him through my dad, John Shirley. Dad always thought very highly of John and always endorsed him for whatever he was running for. Dad advised people who wanted to run for office to start at the bottom and work your way up. You have to learn it to earn it. Dad respected candidates with a good track record and experience. As our former mayor John Marchand did a fine job promoting my Dad’s vision for a great little city. His love and passion for Livermore is evident and he wants to keep this city a great place to live, work and play. Please give him your vote.
Jean Shirley Otto
Bringing Mr. Marchand back at the helm this November will help our city keep its vision, ethos, and shared community values intact. His seasoned leadership skills will enable synergy, not just within the various public agencies in Livermore, but also in how our city Government interacts and collaborates with the local governments of other Tri-Valley cities and the Alameda County.
Mini Chopra
I’ve served with John for years on public commissions. He is the most well-prepared and insightful public servants I’ve ever met. When John served as Livermore Mayor, friends told me, “He loves Livermore; he’s Livermore’s biggest fan.” Today, Livermore needs experience, commitment and a love of it. I endorse John Marchand.
Sblend Sblendorio
John Marchand shares with the REALTOR® community the same concerns and approaches to housing, municipal governance, public safety, and quality of life issues.
Bay East Association of Realtors
I have known John since our boys became friends at Sunset school. He is a man of integrity. He's someone you can have a conversation with, even if you disagree. He worked incredibly hard for us as Mayor and before that as a council member and Zone 7 Board member. He knows how city government works and that is vitally important to me. We need to keep moving forward, particularly on the Eden housing project. John will continue to work on our behalf with positive energy, respect for community values and the skill set to get things done.
Kathy Coyle
John has faithfully served our community in several ways for many decades, including as a Zone 7 board member, city councilmember, and 9 years as our mayor. He is known for his love of science (particularly of Livermorium), his participation in theater and the arts, and his award-winning graffiti cleanup activities. He is so active in the community that everyone I know has a good story of him. John Marchand is, by all accounts, Mr. Livermore; that's why he made a great mayor for 9 years, and that's why he will make a great mayor again.
Lori Souza
We need Mr. Marchand to continue the job he started to revitalize the downtown development. A strong mind, clear vision makes things happen. We cannot afford to lose the opportunity to finalize the project. Elect John Marchand for Mayor of Livermore!!
Traian Micu
John has proven he can get the job done. He knows the issues and is prepared to deliver the best solutions.
He has my vote!
David Hopkins
Experience matters, and integrity matters. John has both, and that is why I am endorsing John to be our Mayor that leads with experience and integrity as he shepherds success for the future of Livermore.
Connie Campbell
I appreciate John Marchand. So often jumping in and helping people in the community. He is a treasure.
Kate Runyon
Community Member and Former LVJUSD School Board Member