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I’m pleased with the addition of three new parks in our downtown area. With the first phase of Stockmen’s Park and Livermorium Plaza now completed I’m encouraging our residents to participate in the planning for the design of Veterans Park. Veterans Park, now 30% larger than originally planned and will include a children’s playground. The City has received $1 million in Federal funds for Veterans Park and I’m looking forward to its installation.



I favor the Eden Housing project. This well designed plan will build much needed workforce housing for our community. Affordable housing funds were used to purchase the downtown site, and State law requires that affordable housing be included here, in our downtown. The term “affordable” means that the household income is up to $84,000 per year. Typical occupations that would qualify are teachers, Emergency Medical Technicians, clerical support, and downtown service workers. Since they will be living and working in town, they won’t have to commute to their jobs, lowering our carbon footprint


Eden Housing has been approved to build and manage 130 apartments which will be used to house local workers and their families. The City created the approved plan based upon significant public input. I’m seeking collaboration and cooperation to start implementing the plan which will allow workers who serve our community, to live in our community.

Preserve the character of our beautiful downtown while adding cultural and recreational amenities that enhance local businesses and care for our residents.


We have a beautiful downtown area for our residents and visitors alike. It’s important to remember there are over 2600 blocks in the city of Livermore and the Mayor and the City Council are responsible for the quality of life on every one of them. That responsibility includes the maintenance of over 700 lane-miles of roads, public safety with 90 sworn officers and 120 fire fighters, ongoing pension obligations, water and wastewater enterprise funds, and long-term asset management.


I’m optimistic about finishing our plans for the downtown without neglecting the rest of the 2600 blocks in Livermore. Together we will focus on improvements for everyone.


The Development of the Plan


Since 2004 our downtown specific plan has been re-affirmed by several elected Councils and in voter approved election measures.


The City of Livermore’s Redevelopment Agency in 2007 purchased the blighted Lucky site with affordable housing funds which specifically required that affordable housing be built on part of the site.


In 2017, the City created a steering committee of community leaders and stakeholders to gather input from our community. This committee heard from over 2,000 residents and a downtown plan was developed which had included these elements:


  • More Parking

  • Preserve Town Character

  • Open Space

  • Wine Country Hotel

  • Cultural Amenities

  • Affordable Housing


Hotel Location


Our residents were clear that the downtown hotel should face Livermore Avenue. Since protecting town character was also a key element, Blacksmith Square was preserved on the west side and the hotel will be built on the east side of Livermore Avenue, next to the Bankhead Theater.


In 2020, The voters of Livermore re-affirmed the Council’s decision by margin of 2:1.




The number one priority for our downtown is additional parking and I support city’s parking plans. As part of the hotel construction, 24 public ADA-accessible parking spaces with a value of over $1.3 million will be added next to the Bankhead Theater. Since surface parking reduces open space and open space restricts parking, structured parking accomplishes both objectives. The 275-space I Street garage has now been completed and conveniently connects to the original parking garage. The 500-space L Street garage will break ground later this year.


Three New Parks and Open Space


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